My last blog was June 1st, over 2 months ago. At that time I was reporting my about attending my first political fund-raiser. I have to report that my foray into the world of political activism came to an abrupt halt not long after my previous blog.
I am feeling disappointed in myself, yet I suspect that I made the best choice for myself. I don't know if I imagined, concocted, or just misinterpreted Creator's guidance about this undertaking. I know that my blood pressure was becoming increasingly erratic. That peoples responses to my ideas appeared to be that I was naive and too idealistic. My sense of it was that some people needed to act NOW! My plodding tortoise style did not fit the hare style that some felt was needed in response to what they saw as a crisis time.
It was just so far beyond my comfort level that when someone chose to complete a task that I had told them I would take care of, after having explicitly asked them to back off and let me do the job I was being asked to do, I chose to bail out of the whole thing. I hate being a quitter, a failure. It is not how I like to think of myself. I was very angry at the time. I've wondered if allowing myself to chose the course I did was the best thing. I haven't any answers.
In the middle of June, Gail and I received a letter from the property management company handling the duplex we live in, announcing a rent increase and demanding that we sign another years lease. For some reason, it really ticked Gail off and after she talked to them about it she was even madder. Now Gail is generally very even tempered when stuff like this comes up, I tend to be the really irrational one. I find myself wondering if her anger was her way of generating the energy to overcome any fears she might have about buying a home. Having been down the homeowner path 3 times before I was definitely the follower to Gail's lead as we began looking for a new home.
I have little use for apartment living, although, the duplex we've been in the past year and 7 months has proven to be largely pleasant. We have way too much stuff and are consequently cramped beyond what I like. On the other hand, being a home owner is not all that it is cracked up to be. I have little interest in lawn care or home maintenance.
Still I want more space. I keep thinking that if I just have the room, I'll be able to paint, do woodwork, sculpt, make pottery. When I am honest with myself I acknowledge that I am a dreamer much more than a doer. So the need for space is mostly just an excuse for not doing. I have the software and computing tools to do a variety of creative activities. I've got dozens of musical instruments, video camera, paints and stuff. I have been told that I am very creative and artistic. What I seem to be lacking is the drive to actually do anything. Yet I seem to be busy a good deal of the time.
In the past several months I've expended huge amounts of time playing Free Civ. It really perplexes me that I will engage in this activity for hours on end, yet will not pursue the activities that I claim to want to do. I can't fail to notice that the precious time left me on this plane is passing it seems ever more quickly. Is my reluctance, my malaise really because I feel that I have nothing of any real value to contribute? Is it because nothing I've done measures up to some arbitrary standards that I've set? Is it because I have no passion or faith left in me? Is it that I am just lazy?
I guess that is why my thoughts come around to serving others. At least if I am in service to others then everything is not about me. A topic that I am frankly bored with and have little hope of ever reaching a good accord with. Anyway, Gail's desire and will to find us a new home came at a good time for me. It has helped me to keep a lot of my negative soul searching and musings somewhat at bay.
Now we are waiting to see if the house we've selected from the dozen plus that we looked at is going to become ours. Actually, the banks, but we get to live in it and pay over a half a million over the next 30 years or so for the privilege. Damn, that muscle in my back is spasming, the one that I think of as containing my negativity and stress.
Jeane aka Nova Dawn (my youngest daughter) stopped by to visit on her way to Vancouver. She was in tow with Talia Rose, a Sun Dancer and woman, whom Jeane identifies as a mentor, friend, and spiritual guide. Talia's son, Jeremiah, completed the entourage. Now, I must admit that I am skeptical of psychics/mediums/channelers and the like but Talia carries with her the title Sun Dancer. Her devotion was made plain to me when she invited me to share her pipe and morning ceremony. In recent years I have come to respect those who dance for the people. I have not had the courage to step up and endure the suffering that they have. Still, I have come to know that being a Sun Dancer does not mean that these people are without fault nor free from the negative.
Talia offered me a reading as we waited for our meals to be delivered at the Old Town Cafe in Bellingham last Saturday. Now I had spoken freely with Talia about many topics in the few hours before she offered to do the reading. Enough so that much of what she told me in the reading came as no surprise and fit with my general assessment of such readings as primarily an integration of bits and pieces of personal information given to the reader through conversation and behavior run through a generalized model of human behavior/aspiration in a form of feedback loop assessment. Intellectual assessment aside I was much more interested in my emotional reactions. As I listened I felt myself teetering on the edge of tears wanting to hear something that would unequivocally answer my most pressing questions.
Talia's reading certainly fed my ego and was inspirational as I suspect it was intended to be, my skeptical self thought. Since Talia is a Sun Dancer, I want to give her reading the respect that I accord her sacrifice, but it is hard to believe when I also know that part of how Talia supports herself is through giving readings such as this for money, though she gifted this reading to me hence it was free from any monetary influence. I have no doubt that there are people out there who have vision and Talia may very well be such a person.
I have a hard time remembering things these days. Talia said a bunch, much more than I had expected. The basics where that my path is to use my art to communicate stories that need to be told. I am not doing her much service here as it was much fuller than that. My hope is that Jeane will be able to help me remember more and will perhaps talk about this in her blog.
I want to take a moment to talk about Jeane and myself. She and I are so much alike that it hurts sometimes. Her self doubt is so much akin to my own that I wonder if it is genetic or is it just that she grew up with me as her father. She asked to borrow an auto harp that I have. I was reluctant to lend it to her, so I offered up some conditions on lending it. This upset and angered her. Her response to me left me feeling hurt as well.
In her self denigration I see myself and I feel responsible for failing to parent her in a way that would allow her to be free of the fears that have plagued me throughout my life. I see in Jeane the same far ranging imagination and intelligence that I grew up with, the same passion for principles, justice, compassion and the same fears of not fitting in, of not being good enough. I do not want her to be where I am when she is my age. I do not want her to be floundering and asking what the hell purpose does she have in life.
I believe my daughters are far better people than I am, smarter, more talented and gifted, more generous, giving, loving, etc. I am proud of my daughters and I love them without reservation.
So once again I am at a loss as to what path I should follow. My thoughts keep coming back to being of service to others, yet I have no sense of how I should go forward.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
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